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Safeguarding at Earl Sterndale School is our top priority. Our Safeguarding approach is designed to ensure all children feel safe and are safe at school and that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to keep themselves safe in the world beyond the school walls. We adopt the approach that Safeguarding is everybody’s business and it is a thread that runs through all our decision-making, planning and actions. We ensure staff are effectively trained (including First Aid, Prevent and Understanding Child Sexual Exploitation) and that all policies, procedures, documents and systems are rigorous and robust from safer recruitment to procedures for reporting and recording and that we have an active system for reviewing and improving our practice. We seek to generate a culture where children can engage with staff, feel listened to and where their concerns are acted on. We aim to provide our children with a safe and secure learning environment where all stakeholders are involved – staff, governors, pupils, parents / carers, support services, the local community – all have positive, trusting, purposeful relationships allowing our children to flourish and achieve the best outcomes and where children are supported if they are at risk or have been subjected to harm or abuse. We work closely with a range of external agencies to ensure every child is safe from harm.

In all our Safeguarding we refer to the latest version of the Dfe document 'Keeping Children Safe In Education'. This can be found here -

If you have any Safeguarding concerns, please contact school either by phone (01298 83263) or via our Safeguarding email address:  This email address is checked regularly by staff, during and out-of-school hours, including weekends and school holidays.

All Safeguarding matters are dealt with discreetly and confidentially. 

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr D Holden (Headteacher) and our Deputy DSL is Miss D Clayton (Class teacher). 

Our named Safeguarding Governors are Mrs A Campeau and Mrs M Smith.

Other useful Safeguarding Contacts include:

Starting Point / Call Derbyshire: 01629 533190

NSPCC free 24/7 adult helpline: 0808 800 5000 / / or text: 88858

Childline: 0800 1111 /

Our school is part of the SDAT (Stopping Domestic Abuse Together) initiative led by Derbyshire Police, along with social care, health services and other agencies.  This alerts us to any incidences of domestic abuse to enable us to support children as needed.

Please refer to the Policies section on this website to read our Safeguarding Policies.

Please refer to the document below for more information on Derbyshire County Council's Safeguarding Advice for Parents.

Online Safety

All our online devices are regularly filtered and monitored by school with support from our IT provider and we use Internet Watch Foundation technology to make the internet a safe place for our children to learn. 

See below for our 12 top tips for staying safe online: