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Curriculum - Junior Class

Junior Class (Key Stage 2)

In Class 2 we follow the National Curriculum (Sept 2014) combined with an adapted version of the Numeracy and Literacy Strategies. This helps provide a framework around which to plan a curriculum which remains relevant, accessible, challenging, interesting and appropriate to all children regardless of age or ability. In a class with four age groups it is essential to provide differentiation so all children’s needs are being met. Our small class sizes allow us to do this effectively. So much so, each child essentially has their own individual learning plan whether they have ‘Special Needs’, are considered ‘Gifted and Talented’ or anywhere in between.

Maths and English are taught 4 days a week and form the foundation of all our teaching. Both subjects follow an annual cycle which ensures NC coverage and also allows for variations in the abilities of each cohort.


English is planned termly with each lesson starting at text level, then sentence level and finally into word level. A wide range of different text types are studied during the year and the children have opportunities in every lesson to work on sentence structure and formation (eg using connectives to join two sentences, using relative clauses to add description etc) and word level work (eg identifying word types, looking at spelling patterns etc). English also provides a range of links to other subjects – sometimes we will use another subject as the basis for our texts (eg Bible stories, information texts on the moon, letters from Roman soldiers to their families etc) or else English skills are practised in other subjects (e.g. using bullet points in a Science lesson, using synonyms in Geography etc).

Reading is given particular emphasis. Children are targeted for extra support if needed and we have volunteers who come in to school to hear readers and provide extra opportunities for reading.


Maths is planned to include an Arithmetic session at the start of each lesson to enable Maths fluency, followed by a teaching session then a differentiated learning opportunity for each child. We also provide a personalised learning opportunity for every child every day as part of our daily ‘warm-up’ which also includes algebra and puzzles.

Foundation subjects

The Junior foundation subject curriculum is organised using subject curriculum maps which are produced by the subject leaders, usually on a 2-year rolling programme. These not only provide a framework for lesson planning, but allow the ability to tailor learning for each cohort. Curriculum maps provide a long-term framework for learning which ensures NC coverage and also include links to other subjects.

The school passionately supports the effective teaching of the foundation subjects and are advocates particularly of the benefits of outdoor learning, PE, drama and music.